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For as long as I can remember, I’ve heard people talk about how amazing Canton is. Whether you’re on the hunt for junk or already rehabbed pieces, Canton always comes up in conversation. The lure of the unknown finally caught sweet hub and I, so we made the hop, skip, and a jump East to see what all the fuss was about.

Canton (7)

I’d heard that sunscreen, an umbrella, and comfortable walking shoes were a must. I agree with the first and last – but found that there were plenty of shady spots to take refuge from the blistering heat.Canton (1)This lovely tractor greets you in the West Gate parking lot and ferries you in to the grounds. As someone who group up in farming community, this was a lovely little flashback!

Canton (3)

We probably stood for five full minutes just absorbing all that we saw (and smelled! Corn dogs and funnel cake!). I immediately spotted a large metal bulldog in the metal-filled trailer to the right, and was disappointed that it would have no future as my yard art.

Canton (4)

We did our best to weave our way around each row to see as much as we could see. We weren’t on the hunt for anything in particular, which gave us both leeway to wander, but a lack of driving purpose. I would suggest that your trip has at least a short list of hopeful purchases, so you don’t find yourself 4 hours in and only 20 feet past the gate.

Canton (6)

I picked up a set of 5 mid-century iced tea spoons and a set of serving utensils — a little mix and match always does me well! And, we found this beauty:

Canton (5)

I look forward to showing you what we did with it! And, I look forward to heading out to Canton again – but maybe waiting until Texas’ heat index is fewer than three digits.
