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In case anyone needs last minute Father’s Day gift options, here are some ideas. While ordering from Etsy or eBay might be a challenge to get it shipped in time, check out your local antique shops and flea markets. You never know what treasure awaits! Happy Father’s Day to all our dads, dods, and daddies!

With Father’s Day coming up (June 16th), I’m sure some of you are wondering what you are going to get your old man.  If your dad is anything like mine, you are thinking about sporting goods store or the always appreciated Home Depot gift card.  You probably are not thinking, “I’m going to get Dod (Dear old Dad) something vintage.”  I don’t blame you.  I’m not going to lie, finding good vintage gifts for a guy is not the easiest thing to do.

But in case you are wanting to give Pops (or another man in your life) something with a little character, here are some ideas:

Barware: If he’s into scotch or whiskey or has a bar, you are in luck.  Go to estate sales and find a really cool decanter or set of glasses.  You can generally get a good deal on crystal and pressed glass, and some of the mid-century or earlier pieces have cool details.  We called this one the “pineapple” (the top has a hole so you can measure out a shot).

pineapple decanter

Sports: If you know your dad’s favorite sports teams, finding cool vintage team memorabilia is always enjoyed.  If I was shopping for my dad, I’d consider this set of 1960s University of Georgia glasses that I found on Etsy (but they’re not as cool as my TCU ones).  Etsy and eBay are good sources for stuff like this (just keyword search the team and vintage).

UGA glasses

Outdoors and Hobbies: A few Christmas’s ago I gave my dad and brother some vintage fishing gear.  My brother got an old fly fishing reel from the 1920s and I gave my dad some lures that we nailed to some reclaimed barn wood.  You could also think about his hobbies and find old equipment that might look cool on display in an office or on a book shelf, like these old cameras.

100_1180 Fly Fishing Reel from 1923    AE Fall 12 (18)

The key to shopping vintage for your Dad or any guy is to think about the things he likes or does.  It’s not as easy as finding a cool purse or piece of jewelry, but it feels awesome when you can do it!

Check out this older post about vintage/antique gifts I gave my brothers and dad for a few more ideas.

Happy hunting and Happy Father’s Day (especially to our wonderful dad and dod)!!

~Emily and Lainey